What We Offer
We have established a successful partnership with our customers, employees and suppliers and to respect the interests and goals of each party. Constantly striving to supply what the consumer is asking for, we will continually review what is available in the marketplace, and what is not. Improving on what is available and providing new products and services to the areas of need that will help ensure our success in a market driven by consumer demand. The company’s success will be ultimately measured by our customer’s business involvement with us because of the customer’s belief in our ability to meet or exceed their expectations in price, service and selection.
TEDHOL PROPERRTIES LTD has records for process control. These records help the company to ensure that all operations are carried out under controlled conditions to achieve the desired output. The scheme also ensures that equipment and materials are properly used for the right operation and at the right time considering our customer’s satisfaction. TEDHOL PROPERTIES LTD ensures that the objectives of clients are satisfactorily met, by recognizing the need to deploy the requisite requirements. To this end the company will always leverage on the technical expertise of its associate organizations.
TEDHOL PROPERTIES LTD provides high quality services and has the ability for effective performance and service delivery, striving to seek ways of improving its services, it has a number of programs in force to monitor and measure its performance and client’s requirements. Since client’s satisfaction is a priority to the company, this is achieved by ensuring professionalism and dedication of the employees. TEDHOL PROPERTIES LTD therefore implements a standard Total Quality Management (TQM) Policy, which is specifically designed to accommodate any project the company undertakes.
Pursuance of the Health and Safety at work ACT of 1975 which shall be adopted by TEDHOL PROPERTIES LTD and shall be enforced as each worker shall accept his/her responsibility in accordance with the regulations controlling the industry and the Safety policy as far as is reasonably practicable.
Our Working Process
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